Invitation for Media: Forth Generation of SIPA’s Cadets Takes an Oath

On 3 January 2013, the forth generation of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) cadets will sign contracts and take an oath, officially initiating their work for the Agency in the rank of Junior Inspectors.

In order to acquire this rank and begin their work for SIPA, forty three young cadets with degrees in Criminalistics, Economy and Law had to undergo a rigorous selection and achieve excellent results in testing in general knowledge, physical fitness, foreign languages and computer literacy, as well as a four-month basic police training at the Agency for Education and Professional Training.

In accordance with the Law on Police Officials BH and Instruction on the Wording and the Way the Oaths of Police Officials BH are taken, the cadets will take the oath to the Minister of Security BH, Mr Fahrudin Radončić.

Mr Goran Zubac, Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, Heads of the Agency’s Organisational Units and Directors of other police agencies in BH will attend the ceremony, among others.

We would like to invite you to the ceremony which will take place at the Agency’s amphitheatre, at Nikole Tesle 59 in Istočno Sarajevo, at 12:00 o’clock.