INVITATION FOR MEDIA: First Organised Destruction of Drugs in BH

By the end of 2012, for the first time in its history, Bosnia and Herzegovina will have an organised destruction of narcotics found and seized during post-war actions of police agencies.

A significant quantity of marijuana, skunk, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, amphetamine, and other type of narcotics will be destroyed in the upcoming period by incineration at one of the previously selected locations in BH.

The decision on the destruction of narcotics was issued by the Commission for the Destruction of Narcotics with the Ministry of Security based on the Rulebook on Storage and Destruction of seized narcotics, psychotropic substances, plants used for producing narcotics and precursors (Official Gazette BH 28/12), and the Order by the Court BH, which has made 54 final and binding judgements since 2003 in cases resulting in detection and seizure of the drugs.

Media representatives interested in attending the destruction of the narcotics are required to obtain accreditations via not later than 7 December 2012 at 17:00 h.

For security reasons, the exact location and time determined for the destruction will be announced additionally.