International Criminal Group Dismantled in Operation Coordinated between SIPA and Republic of Serbia

On 14 and 17 March 2014, acting upon orders by the Prosecutor’s Office BH and Court BH, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) carried out an operation code-named “Brod”, whereby they arrested one individual and searched four locations in Živinice and Sarajevo due to international trafficking in narcotics.

On 14 March 2014, during this operation, an individual S.S. was arrested in Sarajevo. At the same time, residential premises used by this individual were searched, whereby approximately 300 kg of powdery substance resembling “speed”, two precision scales, mobile telephones and SIM cards, an amount of cash and other items that might be used as evidence in further proceedings were found and seized.

Upon criminal processing at the official premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, S.S. was handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office BH for further procedure on 15 March 2014, along with the report on the perpetrated criminal offence and perpetrators against five individuals, due to grounds for suspicion of having committed the criminal offence set out in Article 250 of the Criminal Code BH “Organised Crime”, in conjunction with the criminal offence set out in Article 195 of CC BH “Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs”. The other four individuals covered by the mentioned report were arrested by the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior.

In the continuation of this case, on 17 March 2014, buildings at three locations were searched in Živinice, whereby 1.3 kg of unknown powdery substance, which would be the subject of expert evaluation, was found and seized at the residential premises used by A.S.

This was an operation coordinated with the Republic of Serbia Ministry of Interior, aimed at suppression of international trafficking in narcotics in the framework of which nine individuals, members of an organised criminal group, were arrested in Serbia on 14 March 2014.