International Conference on Disposal of Explosive Ordnance Finished

The first international workshop titled “Removal, Deactivation and Disposal of Explosive, Terrorist and Military Ordnance – Establishment of Regional Police Cooperation”, hosted by the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), began on 30 January 2013 and ended on 1 February 2013 by the Certificate Award Ceremony.

Upon the authorisation by Mr Goran Zubac, the Director of SIPA, participants of the workshop from Italy, Montenegro, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were awarded certificates and appropriate gifts by Mr Boris Ivanović, Head of SIPA’s Operative Support Service.

“The workshop for experts and heads of police teams for removal, deactivation and disposal of explosive ordnance from South-East Europe is the first such workshop in South-East Europe. It was held with the aim of facilitating and improving regional police cooperation”, said Mr Ivanović and expressed hope that the cooperation would be continued.

Participants and lecturers of the workshop pointed out that Explosive Ordnance Disposal Teams (EOD Teams) were a single family and that such gatherings were very useful, particularly in combating terrorism and organised crime.

According to them, the workshop strengthened ties, established cooperation between experts, enabled exchange of experience and best practices and learning new skills and techniques, which will contribute to harmonisation of practices and procedures.

This workshop was organised by the State Investigation and Protection Agency in cooperation with the Instrument of the European Commission for Technical Assistance and Information Exchange – TAIEX and Italian Carabinieri.