In Sarajevo SIPA Confiscated 6.65 kg of Highly Pure Heroin Exceeding Million BAM in Value

On 2 February 2012, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, upon the order from the Prosecutor’s Office BH, apprehended O.L., a 40-year old citizen of Montenegro, in the Canton Sarajevo, in whose car 6.65 kg of highly pure heroin was detected. The confiscated narcotics, of around BAM 1.000.000 in street value, had been smuggled from Montenegro, via Serbia and intended for the BH market.


6.65 kg of Highly Pure Heroin 6.65 kg of Highly Pure Heroin

The successful action by SIPA and the Prosecutor’s Office BH was carried out after several months of operative activities and in cooperation with the Police of Montenegro, Border Police BH and Public Security Centre Istočno Sarajevo.

The suspect O.L., along with a report on the committed criminal offence set out in the Article 195 of the Criminal Code BH, will be handed over to the Prosecutor’s office BH for further processing.

Police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency continue intensified measures and activities in identifying other individuals in connection to this international heroin smuggling chain in the territory of BH and beyond.