In Operation “Plamen” SIPA Arrested One Individual for Trafficking in Human Beings

On 11 March 2014, acting upon orders by the Court BH and Prosecutor’s Office BH, within “Plamen” operation, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), arrested M.Č. in Zenica due to grounded suspicion of having committed the criminal offence set out in Article 250 of the Criminal Code BH “Organised Crime”, in conjunction with the criminal offence set out in the Article 186 of CC BH “Trafficking in Human Beings”.

During “Plamen” operation, buildings at three locations in Zenica Municipality were searched, whereby the following items that might be used as evidence in further proceedings were found and seized: mobile telephones with SIM cards, personal documents (ID cards, health care cards, etc.) belonging to a minor female (victim of trafficking in human beings), a number of preservatives (circa 400), etc.

The arrested individual was brought to the official premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, where he was criminally processed and within the legislative timeframe handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office BH for further procedure.