Human Trafficking is our Reality – Let's Prevent It

On the occasion of the European Day against Human Trafficking, 18.10.2011, the promotional campaign under the slogan „Human Trafficking is our reality – let's prevent it“will take place in Mostar, Banja Luka, Tuzla and Sarajevo.

Under the umbrella of this campaign, the promotional leaflets will be distributed with the aim of public education and awareness raising on this problem on the squares in front of the BBI in Sarajevo, Boska in Banja Luka, Španski trg in Mostar and the square near Centar Cinema in Tuzla.

The campaign is being implemented in cooperation with the B&H Ministry of Security, B&H Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees, State Investigation and Protection Agency, Caritas of Bishop Conference in B&H, and non-governmental organisations Asocijacija XY, Novi put, Nova Generacija and Zemlja djece.

The campaign is a follow-up of the preventive activities implemented by the B&H Ministry of Security, B&H Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and State Investigation and Protection Agency in cooperation with the Caritas of Bishop Conference in B&H as well as other governmental and non-governmental organisations with the purpose to prevent human trafficking in B&H and protect the most vulnerable groups of our society from the modern age slavery.

Estimations say that hundreds of thousands of people in Europe become human trafficking victims and our country is not an exception to it. Due to its poor socio-economic situation and transit position, B&H has become a fertile ground for development of human trafficking and therefore is origin, transit and destination country.

The European Day against Human Trafficking is observed upon a European Commission proposal and 2007 European Parliament Recommendation with the aim of awareness raising of the public and decision –makers to develop better policies in prevention and combating human trafficking.