Hayat TV Special Programme on SIPA

Following months-long filming, Veldin Čustović, an editor of the TV Hayat, ended the production of the programme on the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), which was broadcasted last night (7/1/2015) on this TV channel.

The program, which presented the results of SIPA and dedication of its members, showed the other side of the Agency that the citizens have not had the chance to see so far.

The opening sequence of the programme says: “This is not an ordinary story, this is not a story of a police organisation, we are talking about the best agency in the country. This is not a story of ordinary but of the best police officials and inspectors. We are not repeating a story about the difficult police profession, but about those who have responded to it. And this is not an ordinary story as it is not a story at all, it is a life and they put it at the service of their country and fellow citizens. They are officers of the State Investigation and Protection Agency. They are SIPA ".