Forth Generation of SIPA’s Cadets Took an Oath

On 3 January 2013, forty three cadets of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) signed employment contracts and took an oath before the Minister of Security BH, Mr Fahrudin Radončić, officially initiating their work for SIPA in the rank of Junior Inspectors.

These 43 candidates with Degrees in Criminalistics, Economy and Law underwent a rigorous selection among 1000 candidates who applied to the Advertisement for Cadets.

While addressing the cadets, Mr Goran Zubac, the Director of SIPA, reflected on SIPA’s results in 2012, which are the best in SIPA’s ten-year history, and pointed out the importance of 43 cadets being employed. If they annually work each on one case only, that would be 43 cases, he said.

“Training is not an expense, but an investment”, said Mr Zubac and added that cadets would be assigned duties in all organisational units of SIPA.

He emphasised that SIPA would continue implementing plans, including combating terrorism, organised crime and corruption.

Mr Fahrudin Radončić, the Minister of Security BH, pointed out that SIPA is a reputable agency and a good example to other police agencies. By employing young, educated personnel, it has gained additional capacities to successfully combat organised crime, terrorism and corruption.

“This year will be the year of fighting corruption and SIPA is one of the main social levers in this fight”, said Mr Radončić and added that all must be done to improve the security of all BH citizens, including police officials.

SIPA’s Director used today’s ceremony to express gratitude to the Minister of Security, Mr Fahrudin Radončić, and the Head of the US Embassy’s ICITAP Project, Mr Jim Tillman, for the contribution in improving SIPA’s work conditions, and handed them appropriate awards of recognition.