Five Individuals Apprehended in Relation to Terrorism

On 10 October 2012, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), in cooperation with the Intelligence Security Agency (OSA) and Operative Group for Combating Terrorism, apprehended five individuals in relation to terrorism.

With the aim of collecting material evidence related to the mentioned criminal offence, searches of eight apartments and other accompanying premises used by the apprehended individuals were carried out in Sarajevo, Zavidovići, Živinice, Banovići, Gornja Maoča and Bužim.

The apprehended individuals, upon criminal processing at the SIPA’s premises, along with a report on grounded suspicion of having committed the criminal offence set out in the Article 202 a. (Public Incitement to Commit Terrorist Activities), in conjunction with the Article 201 (Terrorism), will be handed over for further processing to the Prosecutor’s Office BH.

The police officials of SIPA carried out these activities upon orders form the Prosecutor’s Office BH and Court BH, in line with obligations arising from the Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism in BH.