First OrganisedDrug Destruction in BH – Ton of Drugs with Street Value of 20 Million BAM Destroyed

Coordinated by the Ministry of Security BH, the first organised destruction of confiscated drugs took place in Gacko. The total of a ton of various narcotics was destroyed.

“The estimated street value of the narcotics destroyed today is 20 million BAM”, said Goran Zubac, the Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA).

In the incineration plant of the Thermal Power Plant “Gacko”, 328 sealed plastic bags containing different narcotics were destroyed. Out of the total quantity of the drugs, most of it was marijuana, heroin, cocaine and other types of drugs. The first quantities of drugs were put into the incinerators by Fahrudin Radončić, the Minister of Security BH and Goran Zubac, Director of SIPA.

Fahrudin Radončić, the Minister of Security BH expressed gratitude to all who were involved in the first organised destruction of drugs in BH, including the Court BH, Department for the Suppression of Narcotics Abuse and Commission for the Destruction of Confiscated Narcotic Drugs of the Council of Ministers BH, SIPA and other police agencies, as well as the Thermal Power Plant “Gacko”.

Of all contacted incinerator plants and thermal power plants in our country, the Thermal Power Plant “Gacko” was the first to express willingness to take part in this process. They did it voluntarily for which they were thanked by the Minister Fahrudin Radončić, on behalf of the Ministry of Security BH.

“The destruction of 20 million BAM worth of drugs is an act restoring the confidence in the rule of law. Such ending of the year may also be an indication of a good start of the next one, which should be the year of combating crime and dealing with the system corruption”, said Minister Radončić.

Nataša Grubiša, the President of the Commission for the Destruction of Confiscated Narcotic Drugs BH, pointed out that the Commission was guided by the Rulebook on Safekeeping and Destruction of Seized Narcotics in BH adopted in February this year. This enabled the implementation of the Court BH order drug destruction. It was the drug that had been seized from criminal offences prosecuted in the Court BH, from 61 cases tried and judged in the Court BH.