Female SIPA Members Took Part in Workshop “Women, Peace and Security”

Female SIPA members, focal points in charge of gender issues, attended the workshop titled “Women, Peace and Security” organised by the OSCE Mission and held in Sarajevo on Friday (13/3/2015).

The importance of women's participation in the preservation of peace and security was the focus of the workshop, with special emphasis on the implementation of the Action Plan for implementation of UNSCR 1325 "Women, Peace and Security" in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The workshop was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Security B&H, Agency for Gender Equality B&H, Office of the Parliamentary Military Commissioner, Ministry of Foreign Affairs B&H, Ministry of Defence B&H, Ministry of Civil Affairs B&H, Directorate for Coordination of Police Bodies B&H, Border Police B&H, OSCE and others.

The workshop recognized the importance of equal participation of women and their involvement in the preservation and promotion of peace and security