EUFOR Commander in B&H Visited SIPA

Yesterday (18/11/2014) – Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) received a visit by EUFOR Delegation headed by Major General Dieter Heidecker.
During the visit, they discussed the aspects of Agency’s work, competence, organisational structure, modalities of cooperation with partner agencies in B&H and beyond, as well as its role in the security system of B&H and other current issues.

Director Zubac emphasised that SIPA is an important subject in international police cooperation in the fight against all types of crime as well as a significance of cooperation between law enforcement agencies at all levels in B&H. He pointed out that SIPA works at full capacity and is always ready and capable to perform any task effectively and professionally.

The meeting also discussed common issues that may affect security situation in B&H and agreed on continuation of cooperation at all levels both within B&H and internationally, with the aim of preserving peace in B&H.

The participants of the meeting also gave a brief overview of the exchange of experiences in the field of special tactics operations between SIPA Special Support Unit and EUFOR British unit "Light Dragoons", which was organised in September and demonstrated different exercises as well as presented weapons, vehicles and other equipment. Those activities were also attended by the EUFOR Commander who commended the professionalism and readiness of the Special Support Unit of SIPA. This way of cooperation and exchange of experiences is seen as very successful and will be continued in the future.

The EUFOR Delegation accompanied by Director Zubac and his closest associates toured the premises of the Agency’s HQ and visited the main organisational units.

Major General Dieter Heidecker commended the work of SIPA emphasising that SIPA is the most represented in media for its results and wished every success in its future work and achievement of goals.