Drugs and Weapons Confiscated in Sarajevo and Zenica

On 24 and 27 February, while continuing activities in the prevention of international trafficking in narcotics, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) dismantled two organised criminal groups and confiscated six automatic rifles, one handgun, 7.5 kg of “skunk” and 5 kg of “speed” in the territory of Sarajevo and Zenica-Doboj Cantons.

After activities performed during several months, on 27 February 2012, SIPA’s police officials apprehended three members of a criminal group in the Sarajevo Canton, H.M. (DOB 1961), H.K. (1976) and M.K. (1981), who according to operative information in the area of Sarajevo and beyond distributed the “skunk” smuggled into BH from Kosovo and the Republic of Montenegro.

7.5 kg of “Skunk” Confiscated in Sarajevo

5 kg of “Speed” Confiscated in Zenica

Upon criminal processing at the SIPA premises, the apprehended individuals, along with a report on the committed criminal offence set out in the Article 250 of the Criminal Code BH (Organised Crime) in conjunction with the criminal offence set out in the Article 195 of the Criminal Code BH (Illicit Trafficking in Narcotics), will be handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office BH for further processing.

Today’s action and searches at the locations used by the apprehended individuals were carried out upon the order from the Prosecutor’s Office BH and with the assistance by police officials of the Border Police BH and Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Interior.

On 24 February 2012, in the territory of Zenica-Doboj Canton, SIPA’s police officials apprehended members of an organised criminal group, N.H. (DOB 1983), N.H. (DOB 1977) and Z.Š. (DOB 1975), who according to operative information in the area of Zenica distributed “speed” smuggled from Holland into BH. With the assistance by police officials of the Zenica-Doboj Canton, searches at several residential buildings used by the apprehended individuals were carried out at the same time.

Upon criminal processing at the SIPA premises, these individuals, along with a report on the committed criminal offence, were handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office BH for further processing, whereupon they were remanded in 30-day custody by the Court of BH.

These activities are a continuation of successful activities that the State Investigation and Protection Agency has carried out in previous years, particularly since early 2012. We would like to point out that in the action carried out on 2 February 2012 in Sarajevo, SIPA’s police officials confiscated a 6.6 kg heroin shipment with an assessed market value of one million BAM.

Since combating illicit trafficking in narcotics is one of SIPA’s priorities, intensified activities in the investigation and prevention of the criminal offence of narcotics abuse and illicit trafficking will continue.