Drug Smuggling Suspects Apprehended

On December 21st, 2010 in an action coordinated between police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and the Republic of Croatia Ministry of Interior, seven members of an organised group connected to the smuggling of the narcotic drug „skunk“, were apprehended in Herzegovina.

The apprehended individuals with initials D.J. (1973), S.R. (1976), V.M. (1981), B.D. (1974), S.B. (1970), M.R. (1988) and V.B. (1987) are suspected of smuggling the drugs as an organised group across Bosnia and Herzegovina, from Montenegro to Croatia.

Upon criminal processing at the SIPA premises, the apprehended individuals, along with evidential material recovered in the search of the premises they used (mobile telephones, money, gas gun, various calibre ammunition, an amount of marijuana) and a report on the committed criminal offence set out in the Article 250 of the CC B&H (Organised Crime) in conjunction with the criminal offence set out in the Article 195 of the CC B&H (Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs), were forwarded to the Prosecutor's Office for further processing.

The action with the code name “Prenj 4” was carried out upon the order from the Prosecutor of the Special Department for Organised Crime Economic Crime and Corruption, with the support of officials from the MIO HNK and the Border Police of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina up to now, within the actions Prenj 1, 2 3 and 4, around 50 kilograms of skunk was seized, whose value in the European countries drug market is more than 100.000 Euro.
At the same time, in police activities that lasted for several days and were carried out upon the information forwarded from B&H, several individuals were apprehended in the Republic of Croatia, out of which two individuals were from B&H, and around 37 kilograms of the narcotic drug „skunk“ was seized.

Within this action, a significant cooperation was realised with police and judicial authorities from the Republic of Croatia, to which information on the smugglers of narcotics were forwarded, and which within a well connected chain operate in the territory of the Republic of Croatia.

The action „Prenj 4“ is an example of good cooperation between police and judicial institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Croatia, which will continue in combating organised crime and smuggling narcotic drugs, as well as combating other types of organised crime.