Document Forgers Discovered

Yesterday, 08.11.2010. police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) at the orders of the Court of B&H and Prosecutor's Office of B&H, arrested in the wide Sarajevo region, five members of an organised group dealing with forgery of documents.

Premises used for document forgery Equipment used for document forgery

In an operation that followed several months of investigation, SIPA officers searched apartments, houses and cars used by A.M (1964.), E.P. (1975.), R.A. (1960), H.K (1982.) and A.P. (1977.) discovering a large quantity of travel documents, employment booklets, various stamps, complete information-technical equipment used for forgery of documents needed for obtaining visas for B&H citizens that allowed them to enter EU countries, as well as a considerable amount of office supplies, computers and mobile phones.

Organised group forged employment booklets and travel documents Various stamps found

After criminal processing in SIPA premises, the arrested persons and a report on perpetration of the criminal offence under the Article 189 of the CCB&H (Smuggling of people), will be handed over today, 09.11.2010 to the Prosecutor's Office for further processing. In the following period SIPA's police officials will continue, under their scope of competence, the activities on disrupting and investigating the above mentioned criminal offence.

Mobile phones and cards found