DNEVNI AVAZ: Hayat TV Exclusive Programme on SIPA

Following months-long filming, Veldin Čustović, an editor of the TV Hayat, has ended the production of the programme on the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), which will be broadcasted tonight (07/01/2015) on the Hayat TV at 9.00 pm, according to today’s edition of "Dnevni Avaz".

The programme will, among other things, present the achievements and establishment of the Agency, rigorous selection and training, witness protection programme as well as some spectacular actions of the SIPA, which the B&H public has not had a chance to see so far.

"Many international police agencies and many other sectors can envy SIPA for the readiness and training of its Special Support Unit" Veldin Čustović said to "Dnevni avaz".