Director Zubac in Visit to Border Police

On 7 November 2012, Vinko Dumančić, the Director of the Border Police BH, in the framework of regular cooperation at the central level, met with Almir Džuvo, Director of Intelligence Security Agency BH, Himzo Selimović, Director of the Directorate for the Coordination of Police Bodies BH and Goran Zubac, Director of the State Investigation and Protection Agency BH at the main office.

At the meeting, the Director Dumančić introduced to his counterparts activities of the Border Police BH in the previous period and plans for the future, particularly emphasizing activities depending on cooperation with police and intelligence-security authorities from BH and the region.

It was pointed out that operative cooperation between these police and intelligence-security authorities was intensified in the past period for the improvement of security of all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, confirmed by successfully implemented joint operations in combating organised crime. It was concluded that the cooperation was crucial in combating all types of crime and that it needed to be improved in the future in the area of high quality and timely information exchange between the agencies.