Official Handover of the Donation of the US Government

Deputy Head of Mission of the US Embassy Paul Horowitz Visited SIPA

Today (03/04/2016), Deputy Head of Mission of the US Embassy, Paul Horowitz with associates visited State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and met with the Director of SIPA Perica Stanić.

They discussed the current security challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world and the ways of effective resistance to these challenges, with particular emphasis on the fight against terrorism as a global phenomenon and all forms of organized crime. Participants of the meeting discussed the future cooperation and strengthening capacities of SIPA.

Official handover of the donation by the US Government Counterterrorism Support Program to SIPA was carried out today. The following items were donated: video projector, three laptops, three digital cameras and other related equipment. SIPA Director thanked for the donated equipment and support that the US Government gave to SIPA in the past by organizing specialized trainings for investigators of SIPA, various donations and in other ways, which reflected in the quality of the work of SIPA. "Thanks to the support of the Government of the United States, SIPA has the most sophisticated equipment, and its investigators have passed the world's best practices and trainings," said Stanić.

Paul Horowitz said that the US Government is available to SIPA for any form of assistance, in order to more effectively counter all the contemporary security challenges, and that SIPA is a serious partner in the fight against the most complex forms of crime.

Participants of the meeting expressed satisfaction with many years of successful cooperation and partnership relations, and agreed on the modalities and directions of future cooperation.