Delegation of Republic of Turkey Visited SIPA

On 26 March 2013, the Delegation of the Republic of Turkey, headed by Mr Mehmet Kilicar, General Director of the Republic of Turkey state police, visited the State Investigation and protection Agency (SIPA).

Mr Goran Zubac, the Director of SIPA and Mr Anđelko Hrgić, Assistant Director, held the meeting with the Turkish Delegation. They detailed police cooperation between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Turkey. Representatives from the Ministry of Security and a representative from ICITAP also attended the meeting.

The Director Zubac introduced the organisational structure of SIPA, its competences and other particularities of its successful operation to the participants of the meeting. He also presented SIPA’s achievements and particularly emphasised recent activities in combating organised financial crime and corruption. He announced a follow up of the most complex operations already initiated.

Mr Mehmet Kilicar, the General Director of the Republic of Turkey Police was particularly interested in functioning of specific organisational units of SIPA, such as the Special Support Unit and Witness Protection Department, as well as cooperation between SIPA and other agencies in the country.

In addition, Director Zubac announced the construction of a building for the Special Support Unit of SIPA in Istočno Sarajevo and presented the method of selecting candidates for the position in this Unit. He concluded that exceptional results of SIPA could be achieved only with the best staff, best trainings and material and technical resources. He also pointed out that the Witness Protection Department had provided adequate protection to protected witnesses in cases ongoing before the Court BH for the most severe types of criminal offences. He emphasised that SIPA had excellent cooperation with other police agencies in the country, the region and beyond.

Additional improvement of this successful cooperation was agreed in the meeting. The follow-up visit will be aimed at the improvement of operational cooperation, particularly the segment relating to terrorism, organised and financial crime and corruption, and detailing future specific joint activities.

The General Director of the Republic of Turkey Police expressed his gratitude for the reception and congratulated the Director Zubac on SIPA’s success.