Damask Operation – Additional Information

As part of the activities continued within “Damask Operation”, police officials of SIPA apprehended one individual identified by initials MT (1948) in the area of Zenica in the afternoon due to grounded suspicion of having committed the criminal offence of financing terrorist activities in conjunction with the criminal offence of terrorism. A search of residential building used by this individual is in progress.

The individual MT will be brought to SIPA premises for criminal processing, after which he/she will be handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office B&H for further proceedings.

Following criminal processing in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) the individuals identified by initials NH (1986), MK (1996) and ET (1964), along with the report on perpetrated offences and perpetrators, were handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office in the afternoon for further proceedings while the criminal processing of other three individuals deprived of liberty within this operation is still underway.

The activities within the case codenamed “Damask” intensively continue towards detecting all perpetrators and documenting criminal offences.