Czech Republic Donated Valuable Diving Equipment

On 19 March 2014, H.E. Tomaš Szunyog, Czech Ambassador in BH with the delegation visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) and attended a meeting with Goran Zubac, Director of SIPA, and his associates. Thereby, an official handover of a donation to SIPA by the Czech Republic valued at approximately EUR 70.000 took place. The equipment was formally taken over by Director Zubac.

This was a continuation of a very successful cooperation in joint projects between SIPA and the Police of Czech Republic and Czech Development Agency. The donated equipment includes top quality diving suits for the Diving Team of SIPA’s Special Support Unit (full individual equipment for Team members, continuous mixer of gas breathing media for diving and motor boat with trolley).
At the meeting, Director Zubac briefly presented all relevant facts about successful operation of the Agency and its priorities in future work.

The Ambassador Szunyog congratulated Director Zubac on recognisable image created by SIPA as the leading police agency in BH and its results in combating the most complex types of crime. He particularly thanked for very successful cooperation so far between all involved counterparts in the framework of the support programme for SIPA and pointed out that the cooperation would be continued in the upcoming period, with the potential to expand it to other segments of work.

The Director of SIPA handed the embedded emblem of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, SIPA’s highest recognition, and the Certificate of Appreciation to the Czech Ambassador for his support in strengthening SIPA’s capacities.