Czech Liaison Officer in Visit to SIPA: No Alternative to International Cooperation

After a successfully finalised international project of the Sava River Mine Cleaning in the early September 2012, when a significant contribution was made by members of the Police of the Czech Republic, on 17 October 2012 Jirij Trojaček, a police attaché and First Secretary at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Serbia, visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA).

In a discussion with Goran Zubac the Director of SIPA, the Czech Liaison Officer referred to activities of the Czech divers, members of the State Investigation and Protection Agency and other thirteen institutions from BH and the Republic of Croatia, which resulted in taking out 149 mortar shells, 60 mm and 120 mm calibre, as well as rifle grenades from the Sava River. New projects were also agreed.

The Sava River Mine Cleaning Project, according to the Director Zubac and the Officer Trojaček, is a proof that international cooperation has no alternative in a joint fight against terrorism and exchange of knowledge, experience, material and technical assets, with the aim of creating safe environment for living.

“Cleaning of mine and explosive devices from the Sava River is the first international project of the kind in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but not the last. There will be similar projects in the future and we will be working on the development of police cooperation”, pointed out the Director Zubac at today’s meeting.

As a sign of gratitude for a very successful cooperation, the Director Zubac received a plaque from the Officer Trojaček.