Trainees Received Certificates

Completed Training in the Field of Care of Traumatic Injuries in Tactical Situations

Demonstration and presentation of certificates on successful completion of training in the field of care of traumatic injuries in tactical situations was held today in the base of the Special Support Unit of the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Demonstration marked completion of training attended by the members of the Special Support Unit of the Sarajevo Canton Ministry of Internal Affairs and the B&H Armed Forces. Training has been organized by the Team for Civil-Military Support and the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program of the US Embassy in B&H.

Members of the Special Police Unit of the Republika Srpska Ministry of Internal Affairs and three police officers of the Special Support Unit of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) provided assistance to the training instructors. Police officers of the SIPA Special Support Unit, who provided instructors with support, were presented casual certificates for instructors, while one police officer of the Unit successfully completed the training program. Organizer presented Assistant Commander of the Special Support Unit, Jovica Mirosavljević, Certificate of Appreciation for the support to the whole project. The ceremony was attended by the SIPA Assistant Director, Jasmin Gogić.