Banja Luka: 3 Persons Apprehended, 100 kg of Explosives Detected

On 26 April 2012, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency, apprehended three individuals in Banja Luka, with whom they found circa 100 kg of “Vitezit” semi-plastic explosive and 270 electric detonator caps.

The apprehended individuals, upon criminal processing at the SIPA’s premises, along with a report on grounds for suspicion of committing the criminal offence set out in the Article 193 of the Criminal Code BH (Illicit Trafficking in Arms and Military Equipment) in conjunction with the criminal offence set out in the Article 250 of the Criminal Code BH (Organised Crime), will be handed over for further processing to the Prosecutor’s Office BH, upon whose order the action was carried out.

The State Investigation and Protection Agency’s police officials will continue investigative activities within their competence in relation to this case.