Wales, United Kingdom

Among 126 Teams SIPA SSU Won Bronze Medal at the Prestigious Exercise "Cambrian Patrol"

Upon invitation of the Commander of the 160th Brigade of the United Kingdom Armed Forces, eight police officials of the SIPA Special Support Unit took part in the exercise "Cambrian Patrol," which was held in Wales in the UK, from 18 October to 20 October 2015.

A hundred and twenty-six teams participated in the exercise, of which 21 was international. SIPA police officials spent three weeks in the Royal Irish Regiment 1, preparing for this event together with the officers and soldiers of the battalion of the Royal Irish Regiment 1. The stay at the Royal Irish Regiment 1 was organized by the British Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Exercise "Cambrian Patrol" is the most demanding and challenging exercise that the United Kingdom Armed Forces have organized every year since 1956. It was conducted in rugged terrain in the area of the Black Mountains, and the emphasis was placed on testing psychological traits within the aspects of teamwork, planning, leadership skills, navigation and reconnaissance.

For the first time since 1956, a team from the Western Balkans participated in this exercise, and for the first time, members of a police unit managed to end a 100 kilometers long march across the Black Mountains and win the bronze medal.

Jovica Mirosavljević, Assistant Commander of the SIPA Special Support Unit, visited the 160th Brigade of the United Kingdom Armed Forces and attended the exercises as SIPA team support. On this occasion, Lieutenant Colonel Shannon Graham, Commander of 1 Royal Irish Regiment, presented him with a Regiment plaque, and SIPA team was invited to participate next year in this event.

Reportage on the exercises can be found here.