American Ambassador in Visit to SIPA

On February 22nd, 2011 the United States Ambassador, His Excellency Patrick Moon, visited the State Investigation and Protection Agency. He was introduced to the Agency’s priorities for this year and congratulated on extremely good results achieved last year.

In an hour long conversation with the Ambassador Moon, the Agency’s Director Mirko Lujic said that in 2011 SIPA’s investigators will particularly focus on investigating criminal offences of financial crime and corruption, and promised a continuation of efficient combating organised crime, terrorism, illicit trafficking in narcotics and weapons.

Along with congratulations for the achieved results in the past year, the Ambassador Moon expressed particular interest in the future work of the Task Force for Combating Terrorism.

On behalf of the USA Government, His Excellency Patrick Moon assured to continue the assistance to the State Investigation and Protection Agency, in material and technical sense, and in organising trainings.

Among others, Marko Dominkovic, SIPA Deputy Director, and James Tillman, Director of the International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (ICITAP) for B&H, also attended the meeting.