Agreement on the Provision of Assistance and Operational Cooperation of Police Agencies Signed in SI

Today (12/29/2015), Agreement on the Provision of Assistance and Operational Cooperation of Police Agencies in B&H was signed in the premises of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA). Following the final acceptance of the contents, the Agreement was signed by the Police Director of Republika Srpska, Gojko Vasic; Director of the Federal Police Administration, Dragan Lukac; Head of the Brcko District Police, Goran Pisić, and SIPA Director, Perica Stanic, on behalf of their institutions.

SIPA has previously submitted the Proposal Agreement to the above mentioned police authorities for their comments and suggestions.

The signatories stressed the importance of cooperation between all the institutions at the state level, both entities and Brcko District, in accordance with the legal competences, with the aim of the fight against all forms of crime and effective addressing current security challenges.

Identical Copy of the Agreement was sent to the Cantonal Ministries of Interior for possible proposals, suggestions, harmonization and eventual signing.