4th Assembly of “Police Women's Network” Held

Today (29/4/2015) – The 4th Assembly of Police Women's Network was held in the premises of the Third Police Administration of Sarajevo Canton MoI. The Assembly was attended by a police official of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), who is also a member of the Assembly.

Following the presentation and discussion about the annual work report, which was the main item on the agenda, the members of the Assembly also discussed initiatives launched to improve the employment status of women police officials, which relate to amendments of laws and secondary legislation. They also discussed future projects, with special focus on training and education of women police officials, after which the Assembly adopted the conclusions.

To remind, the Association of “Police Women's Network” was officially registered at the beginning of 2012 to promote gender equality and democratic principles in police work, with focus on protection of rights of women police officials, their equal employment status and increase of number of women in police structures, particularly in managerial positions.

Women police officials of SIPA supported by SIPA Director, have actively participated and will continue to participate in the work of this Association with the aim of improving integrity and status of women police officials in law enforcement agencies.