Three Individuals Apprehended in Banja Luka and Laktaši

On May 5th, 2010 the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) police officials apprehended, in Banja Luka and Laktaši, due to a suspicion of having committed the criminal offence set out in the Article 142, Paragraph (1) of the previously applicable CC SFRJ (War Crimes against Civilians).

The apprehended individuals are suspected of having kidnapped and then killed 15 individuals of Bosniak ethnicity from Vrša, Sanski Most municipality, who were subject to a work obligation, in Kruhari, on October 10th, 1995.

Upon criminal processing at the SIPA premises, the apprehended individuals, along with a report on the committed criminal offence, will be handed over to the Cantonal Prosecutor's Office of the Una-Sana Canton, upon whose order the action was carried out.