SIPA Searches Facilities in Three Locations in the Area of Ljubuški and Tomislavgrad

This morning (01/25/2016), police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA), has begun searches of facilities in three locations in the area of Ljubuški and Tomislavgrad by the orders of the B&H Court and Prosecutor's Office. The activities are carried out with the aim of finding and temporary seizure of documents and other items that may serve as evidence that a criminal offense under Article 209, paragraph (3) of the B&H CC "Money laundering" has been committed.

Searches of business and residential facilities, used by an individual identified by initials MM, are underway. These activities are undertaken based on the letter rogatory sent by the Republic of Croatia for mutual legal assistance.

Following fulfillment of the mentioned orders, SIPA will submit to the B&H Court and the Prosecutor's Office relevant reports on the activities being undertaken and temporarily seized items.