SIPA Management Visited Tuzla Municipality Major Jasmin Imamović

During yesterday’s visit to Tuzla, SIPA Director with his associates visited Tuzla Municipality and met with Jasmin Imamović, Major of Tuzla Municipality.

Major Imamović expressed his satisfaction with the visit and welcomed the SIPA delegation. He informed the participants about the current events in the municipality and ongoing projects, particularly in the area of tourism development.

SIPA Director thanked for hospitality and commended overall efforts of the municipality, especially in the area of tourism development. He informed the Mayor of his program of Tuzla visit and the meetings held with representatives of the Tuzla Cantonal Prosecutor's Office and Tuzla Canton MoI, expressing his satisfaction with the current cooperation with these bodies, which is at a high level. Zubac said that SIPA is willing to provide full support to local authorities in the fight against crime, since only teamwork can produce the desired results in the field of security, which is a common goal and obligation towards citizens.

Director Zubac announced the construction of a modern headquarters of the SIPA Special Support Unit with all necessary facilities in the area of Istočno Sarajevo, as well as a vision to build facilities for regional offices of SIPA in the future, which are currently located in rented premises in Tuzla, Mostar and Banja Luka. In this context, the potential building sites in Tuzla were also discussed.