SIPA Detected Counterfeit “Cedevita” in Brčko

In the action carried out on 25 April 2012 in an urban area of the Brčko District, police officials of the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) apprehended two individuals, from whom a significant quantity of “Cedevita” and foil for its packaging was seized.

In searches at an apartment and other premises used by the apprehended individuals, 58 packages were detected, each containing 50 packs of 15 g counterfeit “Cedevita” in an estimated market value of BAM 1.160,00, as well as 856 kg of foil bearing the “Cedevita” trademark for a 15 g pack, the value of which cannot be determined without an expert estimate. By simple calculation, it has been determined that the mentioned quantity of the foil could be used for making circa a million of 15 g packs of “Cedevita”, and in which the total of 15.000 kg of “Cedevita” could be packaged.


Detected “Cedevita” 856 kg of “Cedevita” Foil Seized


The apprehended individuals D.S. and M.R., upon criminal processing at the SIPA premises, along with a report on grounds for suspicion of having committed the criminal offence set out in the Article 208 of the Criminal Code BH (Forgery of Trademarks, Measures and Weights) in conjunction with the Article 149 of the Industrial Property Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina, will be handed over for further processing to the Prosecutor’s Office BH and the seized goods will be handed over to the Court BH.

This action was carried out upon the request from the Prosecutor’s Office BH and order from the Court BH, in cooperation with police officials of the Brčko District Police.

The State Investigation and Protection Agency police officials will continue activities with the aim of protection of intellectual property.