OTHERS ABOUT US - SLOVENIAN 'VEČER': Crime Fighting – Priority

The article titled ‘Crime Fighting – a Priority’ was published in the "Večer" Slovenian daily newspaper on 9 September 2013, and included an interview with the SIPA Director Goran Zubac. Among other things, the article was about the organisational structure of SIPA, the equipment and professionalism of its staff and the Agency was compared with the US FBI given its function and structure. It was particularly emphasised that the SIPA is a leading police agency in Bosnia and Herzegovina, achieving very good results in the fight against organised crime, terrorism, corruption and war crimes, while the focus was given to the ‘Lutka’ operation against organised crime group charged with numerous murders and armed robberies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the recent SIPA operation codenamed ‘Tešanj’ resulting in the discovery of a considerable quantity of military weapons in Tešanj.
“Only well-paid, trained and equipped police officials are successful in the fight against crime”, Goran Zubac, the Head of B&H state police said in ‘Večer’ article. Director Zubac also said in the interview that the fight against crime knows no borders and that the international cooperation with police forces from other countries is very important for the Agency as well as that SIPA achieved an excellent cooperation with law enforcement agencies in BiH, particularly highlighting the B&H Intelligence Security Agency and B&H Border Police. He said that SIPA investigators, in their daily work, rely on positive experience and good practices of the European and U.S. law enforcement agencies in their fight against all forms of crime, because they received a number of domestic and international trainings. “Večer” also quotes the words of the Slovenian police attaché in B&H, Janko Goršek who said that SIPA achieved concrete results in the fight against terrorism, which are reflected in arrests of suspects, discoveries of weapons, etc. pointing out that the Slovenian police established a good cooperation with the police structures in B&H, especially with SIPA.