SIPA Special Support Unit Commander Graduated from the Prestigious FBI Academy

Commander of the SIPA's Special Support Unit Mirsad Vilić graduated from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia (USA) as a student of 252 Session. Following three-month course, the Certificate on successful completion of the Academy programme was awarded to Commander Vilić by the FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III. Mueller also awarded Mirsad Vilić a thank you letter for saving the life of one of the passengers on the plane during Sarajevo-Quantico flight, when the Commander rendered first aid to the passenger, keeping him alive until the arrival of first aid crew after the plane landed in Dallas.

The Quantico is the largest Marine Corps base in which, in addition to the FBI Academy, the DEA, Forensics Centre, Helicopter Unit for transfer of the US President as well as Hostage Rescue Team are situated. The facts that the FBI National Academy is globally known as an academy with unique and elite police program in the field of leadership, management and advanced investigative techniques, and that less than one percent of police officials from the United States, as well as a small number of officers from abroad, has the opportunity to attend the academy, speak about success that Mirsad Vilić achieved as a member of the State Investigation and Protection Agency i.e. Ministry of Security of B&H.
„Diploma of the FBI National Academy I received is one of concrete examples of cooperation and support provided to SIPA by the US institutions, FBI and US Embassy in Sarajevo”, Vilić said.
The SIPA has once again shown that it has the support of international partners, and that the Special Support Unit of SIPA led by the Commander with the world's most prestigious medals, is one of the elite in the region and beyond.